eBay API Setup

Demonstration of search eBay categories, get item aspects, and OAuth tokens. Use these examples to implement other API calls.

Make sure you have made the necessary modifications to DemoConstants.php and /.htaccess. You need to have curl installed on your webserver. You need a hashed copy of your eBay developer authorization token in the DemoConstants.php file. Use your production keys, not your sandbox keys. eBay provides limited functionality for the sandbox API calls.

The API calls included here use the Client credentials grant flow. You need to base64 encode your eBay client id and eBay client secret concatenated as 'client_id:client_secret' You can do this from the command line or use one of many websites that let you encode strings. The resultant string is known as your Authorization Token. Paste this value into the DemoConstants.php file. Keep the string secure. It is used to generate short-lived application access tokens. A valid access token is required on every API call that obtains information from eBay.